
Set Sail

Look, we all want to believe that our lives are to be seen as a simple “passing through”, and maybe that's why we drag ourselves through the inevitable destitution we call our lives every day. So you get what you ask for, right? Do all the right things, line up your life with an idealistic societal outline and hope you get where you're going. But where are you going? Heaven? Hell? Is that it? We see our lives as a means to an end in itself, and nothing else, even if we try to convince people otherwise. The truth is, we subscribe to this because it is comfortable. Because most of us know nothing else.
Have you ever stood still and felt that tinge of pain at the realization that this is it? That this is what your life is? That you are the anchor of society, being drug across the ocean floor like everyone else. Most feel this, but deny it, get back to the office as quickly as possible and plan for their lunch break to be somewhere a little more distracting the following day. But it's always there isn't it? I feel it everyday, and it kills me to think that I should waste another second of my life as an anchor. There is so much more than this. There is so much more behind it all, but we are afraid to turn the page and see what comes next. If we were to rise and live for something outside of ourselves, and truly live for it with everything we have, to realize that there is more, that we aren't just waiting patiently to die, it would be a glorious thing. None of this would come easily, but even in that fight, that pursuit, there is redemption and freedom. No longer are you held down by your possessions or the opinions of others- things of this world aren't important. Once you turn the pages, you find that there is an incredible, elaborate plot unfolding right in your hands, and you never want to put the book down. And that's when you laugh as one does when they were inches away from death just moments ago, realizing you almost fell into the normal definition of how a human being is supposed to interact with it's environment. And you carry it around like a secret you can't wait to tell the world about; their acceptance of it irrelevant to your interaction with it. And there are struggles, but ultimately redemption, freedom and glory. Not for yourself, but something so much greater.
The one who began this movement began it with the movement of the stars, the shaping of the world, the creation of His people. He is God Almighty. He has been there, unexplainable, mystic in every way, but intensely personal- teaching us the wisdom of truth and love every moment if only we are to listen. We are the cursed creation, tricked by the enemy, disgusting in every way, and our creator, the Almighty God in rule of the entire universe loved us so intensely that he became a man. Impervious to sin's attacks on human nature, Jesus Christ stood for truth in his walk as a man and ultimately died a brutal death as the perfect sacrifice for scum like you and I. This act of love, brought down the walls between a God once seen as impersonal to be our best friend. And so from the moment you were born, God has been there. Even the times when you ran away as hard as you could from him, he was there. Protecting you with his goodness and love. And so he calls you to be not only his child, but his friend. To take a leap into an abyss unknown by society, a leap that sends a shiver down your spine, invigorating your every sense, but more than that: your heart. You are standing on the edge, between life as you know it, and a life filled with adventure, with rewards far beyond anything this world has to offer you, a life that follows the Almighty God, the creator of everything in existence.
So jump. Make the adventure of a lifetime your entire life. There is great pain, but in that pain there is an incredible joy. A joy you will never know unless you become a follower of The Way. Become his son, become his friend. Follow him into that great abyss, and see what happens.
To the one's who have jumped: your life should not be boring. This story is your story, it is real, as real as it ever gets. You are to live with a passion set ablaze with the Holy Spirit! Your every action should be evidently inspired by the fire that is set by this adventure! You have been given a sail and a solid, seaworthy hull. So set sail! Why do we trade our sails in for anchors? Sure, it's more comfortable to sit at the bottom of the sea, but there is nothing to be experienced there. No danger, no risk, no passion, you miss every sunrise. I would trade comfort in for adventure any day. And God is always there, always asking us: "Will you join in on the adventure? Will you follow me?" Trade your anchors.

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