
rêveur dim

A slow, lazy, silver breeze flows into the window and kisses the back of my neck. My arms are wrapped tightly around her, our feet move in seamless motions that were set in place before the world was born. The air dances with music, soft and sweet as they mingle to enter my mind. Some sort of percussion droning low, soft, and thick. Stringed instruments all singing together the song of our love: something too, that was engraved in my bones by God Himself. Our two bodies sway slowly and rhythmically in the night trance.

Feeling her in my arms is like nothing else- it makes life seem tolerable. As long as I have my love to return to, I am invincible. Nothing matters but holding her here, this night, the music thumping vacantly in our apartment overlooking some irrelevant city, or maybe a ghostly range of mountains. In her eyes is something ancient, but it is blooming into a new cycle. Only in her love can I understand the love that was given to me deep in my soul before the foundations of the Earth. I never understood redemption until I grasped her heart fully, and I never understood strength until I knew I would protect her at all costs. I never understood the love of my Father until I learned to love her.

So we dance, carefully and slowly as if the footwork is even what matters. Our lips touch to connect our souls, and we hold each other close as if the world of skin and bones could ever tear us apart. Finally, after waiting my entire life to find out what it means to truly invest in another human being, to truly let myself fall in love, I am here. The woman I fell in love with in my dreams as a boy has finally been sent from heaven above. Everything I have ever wasted somehow makes sense now. The gold sun rises, but I refuse to let my hold on her loosen.

I wake up, in my old bed. I stand on my feet, painfully realizing the difference between being encased in skin and dreaming. My heart sinks, and I stare at the ivory. I go on with my day as I usually do, alone, and full of angst, praying to God that the dream will someday come true.


The Kingdom, The Fire

The kingdom is coming. Soon. God is going to come down to the earth and reign like never before. The world will not be able to deny it any longer. Every heart will be left with nothing but awe, and we will be on our knees with our faces covered in fear of the Holy Spirit. The Almighty God will fall like a flame that will never be extinguished, and the fire will test each and every one of us. On that day, we will see what we are really made of. If the life you lived was truly a life that was led in love and reverence for God and others, the fire will pass. However, if you were a fake, wearing the weak name of “Christianity” around you to appear presentable to a host of skin and bone, you will be obliterated by the fire.

God is building now his people. He is gathering the Sons of Thunder to be his army, he is preparing us for battle. He is preparing us to defend The Kingdom of the Most High. He is gathering those who will call Him their own, who will live a life of purity and faith, who will keep their knees on the ground and their eyes to the sky. Stay humble, brothers and sisters, stay faithful, keep love in your heart. Heal the sick, help the broken, invite them to join the army God is building up. There are those of you who may doubt what God is doing because you have seen people at your churches live double lives, wearing their “religion” as a badge for their gain. Everything they have ever done is in vain. They will burn when the fires test their souls. They will be destroyed. Sincerity will fortify you, falsity will destroy you.

So prepare your heart for what is coming. If you put your ear to the ground you can feel something coming, I can feel it shaking in my bones. I know now that it is time to throw away every single thing that distracts me from the Almighty God. Even now, he is in my hands, writing this. God is coming, so take into account what your life is worth. Cast aside material connections, and do not fool yourself into thinking you have none. When you are captivated by the awe of God’s glory when He comes, you want to know that you had been following Him all along. I cannot tell you, brothers, everything that will happen. I can however say that you are in for an epic battle. The Sons of Thunder will rise from the ashes of everything conventional religion and man’s wishes have poured out onto Christ’s bride, and God will use us to destroy the enemy.

Do not ever question that this is a war. The enemy we face is powerful. Just look around you, look even at yourself! Satan has his filthy hands on everything in this world. Shake him off, and lash out at him. He has wreaked destruction on the world, it is time to take it back. Bit by bit, this world is not his, it belongs to the Holy and Almighty God. You know what sin is. Every thought that enters your head that leads to sin comes directly from the enemy. You have authority through Jesus Christ to resist the enemy on every front. You will fail, but you must try! Thanks be to God that Jesus has already won every battle we fight with the enemy.

Sons of Thunder, rise. We are the army of the Kingdom of the most Holy and Almighty God. Act accordingly. Live your life in complete humility and servitude to everyone, even your enemies (love will overcome evil). Keep your knees on the ground and your eyes to the sky. Stay strong, and find your strength in God. Live sincerely, regardless of whatever anyone tells you, keep your eyes ahead. Keep your heart pure, have no motive but love in all that you do. When the day comes, and your faith is tested by fire, you should know that without compromise, you lived your life for Almighty God. Then, you will stand the test and not be cast aside with the rest of them. We have waited all this time. Nothing matters but this. Prepare for war. Prepare for the kingdom.

And the gates of Hell won’t stand against it.

Love, etc. etc.

As a child, I remember always being in absolute awe of the fact that God could see what everyone on Earth is doing, comprehending it, interacting with us and all those basic concepts that fall under the term “omnipotence”. I constantly thought about it. I went about my simple little second grader routines, and I was in constant awe of God. I would say little prayers throughout the day just to thank Him for being there. I truly worshiped Him, and I felt close to Him. I was excited just to get to heaven so I could just praise God constantly. I had no complex theologies in my mind, I was not calloused by repetitive messages. I had a simple life, and a simple mind, and the way I saw it, God loved me, and no matter what, I would always have that, so nothing could ever get me down. Try to find a picture of me as a little kid where I don’t have a huge smile on my face.

Now I have been in church so long, I mostly dismiss statements about the love and power of God. Most of these little sayings like “God is love” “His grace is enough” are so true, but for whatever reason, I have thrown them out of my vocabulary. I mean, I know it is cliché to say, but the love of God is all I need. It’s so sad to me that when I hear that, I shrug it off. But it means so much. It is something that I am learning to hold very dearly to my heart. I could go on for pages about all that God has done for me, for everyone, but for the most part, we all have that knowledge. I don’t know what has happened, but we take for granted the love of our Father. He is always watching us. Just think about that for a moment. God watches over you.

One day, maybe I will be there. I will be at that place in my life where I think I will have everything I need on this Earth. I will be lying there with my wife some lazy Saturday morning, holding her, sharing my soul with her, or maybe just listening to her talk about her week. That is how I see true happiness. In that time, I will know that God gave me that moment as a gift. But what if I am someday drafted into some war I don’t want to fight, or I am being persecuted, or end up homeless? In that time, will I know God’s love is enough? I have faith that I will. Because the thing is, no matter what, whether I am in the ideal place in my life, or I am in exactly the place I don’t want to be, God’s love will give me a deep joy that will lift me up like it did when I was a child. That is what I want, a childish love for God. I know reading this may seem like a waste of time, and you will dismiss it because it sounds like I am just preaching to you, but just sit and think for a moment about how your Father loves you, and that He will hold you soul close to His, no matter what.

“At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.’” -Luke 10:21


The Discovery of the Human Heart

The road under the wheels would feel snug
As if I weren't even moving
Already miles away
But moving blindingly fast towards something more... Arcane

To be honest, I have nothing against what is obligatorily referred to as "this town". In fact, I am quite comfortable. That is the problem. Comfort is, in a way, paradoxical (in a grand sense). I love routine- I always know what is coming next, so I am always prepared for it. But what if I don't want to be prepared? Something inside me dies every time I write on a schedule. It is comforting to know I will be ready to complete the task, but at the same time, there is no romance, no adventure. And I suppose that is what I am after- adventure. I feel as though the schedule looked pretty well organized in Eden in the beginning. But a pretty big curve ball was thrown, and good or bad, this is where we are. Somehow, the chaos inspires me. Think of the story so far- sin enters a perfect world, and God himself reaches down and touches the world to bring us back to him after we ran away. It is the perfect love story. I mean, every true love begins out as perfect, right? Then there is some dynamic that throws that relationship for a loop at some point or another and the two fight for their love, tooth and nail.

What is the beauty of victory if you never understand defeat?

I want to hit the road. I want to get lost in some back road in Arizona. I want to see a tacky tourist attraction and pretend I care. I want to sleep in my car and wake up to a sunrise in the mountains. I want to watch the sunset on the California coast. I want to see the northern lights in Alaska. And I want to meet everyone in between. The world is a canvas painted with every color of the human experience- every story is waiting to be told, and thousands more to be written. I will one day tell this story to my children some cold evening cuddled up by the fire with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I will tell them of the friends I made along the way, all the funny things that had happened, the remarkable occurrences that I had experienced, and every time God touched my heart through it all. I will pull out a dusty old photo album and show them all the pictures as they gazed on the great adventure I had taken. The human experience can only be brought to the light of truth when given the light of other people. I can never understand the complexities of life until I put my ear to the hearts of a thousand people and listen closely to the song it sings. And part of finding this great human experience will come when I see the sun rise and set from every coast, when I see the creatures and flowers in every state, when I can see the world from a mountaintop rather than from flat ground.

I want to have no possession but God.


A Life of Adventure

The moment my foot touched the floor in that Salt Lake City airport, I felt something race through me, something new. I made my way to baggage claim area to find someone I didn't know, but I knew she was the one I was supposed to meet there because of the camping gear. I was about to meet up with eighteen people I had never met in my life and drive up to the Grand Teton National Park in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to go camping and backpacking. It felt incredible, having no clue what I was in for. When I had signed up for the trip, I only knew two things: it was a backpacking trip in Wyoming, and that I wanted to go more than I have ever wanted anything. I wanted an adventure.
So I hopped in the rental van and we set off. I had some pretty solid and surprisingly meaningful conversations with the people in my van on the four hour drive from Salt Lake City to Jackson Hole, and the excitement was building inside me. We got to the campsite in the park, and it was beautiful. We were tucked in the edge of a wooded area that opened up to a field, then a spectacular view of the Tetons. I don't know if you have ever seen this mountain range, but in my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful things this country has to offer. We held a short Bible study and went to bed shortly after. I have never slept better than I did those eight nights crammed in a tent in my sleeping bag with four other guys.
The first four days were spent going on day-hikes and doing other activities like white water rafting. They were amazing. After just the second day, I felt as though the people on that trip were my brothers and sisters, and we grew pretty close. One night, we went to some hot springs that were a good bit away from our camp. It was a little chilly, and we walked about a quarter mile and waded through a river to get to the springs. When we got there, we sat mostly around the edge of the pools and let our feet hang down under the water that reflected the bright moon and eerie clouds shifting in and out of its light. Two of the guys from the trip shared their testimonies that night, and I will never forget it. Both consisted of some seriously screwed up events that took place in their lives, whether the destruction wrought by drugs, or the hatred unleashed by parents, they had been through hell. These two guys (Jack and Garrett were their names) were the most sincere Christians I had ever met. Before the trip, I had every doubt in my mind that God even existed, and I had the bitter taste of cynicism for Christians in my heart. But after hearing what they had been through, all the ways God pulled them out, and how sincerely they spoke, I couldn't have doubted God if I wanted to. It is easy for doubt to overtake your mind, but all it takes is an experience with God to wipe it all away.
Another experience of the heart like this took place the last day before we set out to the back country. On that day, we witnessed to people in Jackson Hole. I remember the two guys in my group were named Andrew and Brian. Andrew was well learned on arguments for the Christian viewpoint, so he was confident and ready. But Brian was afraid to be rejected by whoever we spoke to. The three of us set off to find someone to talk to, and saw a man sitting on a bench in the square. I could see the smile on his face already, and I knew he was ready to argue us to the ground. It turns out, he was an evolution professor, so he really was. What followed was a back and forth (initiated by him, oddly enough) about religion where he explained why he could never believe it, and we gave him a word of love and left (there really was nothing bitter about it, he was actually a really cool guy, and appreciated us to some degree). I thought nothing of it, because I had been in these types of discussions a thousand times. But Brian on the other hand, was devastated. He was brought down in a big way because of that conversation, as were some others who witnessed to people and were turned down. Then, on the way to go rafting, I was sitting next to my friend Katie, and Andrew handed her a phone with a text opened. Her hands started to shake violently and she broke out in tears. Her best friend's mom had just died. We had been in such a spiritual uplift before, such a strong bond with each other and God, Satan decided it was time to attack. And he did, on every front.
We were back at camp that night, weary and downtrodden from all that had happened that day, and among the bigger battles that day, there were many others between us, so we sat as tired soldiers after a full day of spiritual warfare. We talked some things out, encouraging each other through this time of hardship, especially for Katie and the others who knew her friend. At the end, Jack prayed with us. He was just talking to God, it sounded like he didn't even notice us there. He told God how Satan had attacked us on every occasion, and how we had trusted in God and overcame every time. Then, there was a pause in his words. In those moments of silence, I could hear the fire crackling quietly like the footsteps of some forgotten army thousands of miles away. I could feel the stars, perfectly still and silent, yet mighty, and the mountains, the ancient centurions surrounding us as if messengers for the Army of God. We were tucked inside this creation, these mountains, this world, and we had each other, and we felt strength. And then Jack spoke, surely, soundly: “When Satan has to go to plan C, he knows he's fucked.” And it was over.
We set off the next day into the back country, the wilderness. We had an intense hike ahead of us: four miles uphill and two miles that varied from climbing downward to mountain paths. It was a challenge to get through it, because I'm not exactly in peak physical condition, but it payed off. We hiked with our packs across beautiful ridges in the Teton range and at times sang “The Sound of Music” at the top of our lungs, and it really did seem fitting. And once we got through the first four miles that went up the sides of various mountains and climbed down to the last stretch inside the mountains, it was breathtaking. We hiked through snow and mud and rocks, and it was absolutely incredible. There were valleys off to the sides with waterfalls and rushing rivers sweeping below us, and mountains towered all around us. It was one of those moments that left me bewildered at how to even take it in, and frustrates me now, trying to explain it as I write. I swear the face of God is a mountain, or an open field, or a blanket of snow.
We arrived at the place we had planned to set our tents up and camp at, and settled down. It was a bowl-shaped valley with a lake right before us and to the left, a ridge overhanging a river that fed into the lake. Again, I'm pulling my hair out trying to explain this one. I know the English language has a lot of descriptive words that can be used, but words are not the form of expression this landscape requires of you. It demands your heart, and I handed mine right over, because I was captivated.

We were snuggled in between the mountains. No civilization. No outside influence. Pure nature. Pure God. My whole life, I feel like I am reaching and reaching, trying so hard to find God in my life, but somehow fit him into society as well. Out there, with nothing but unadulterated majesty and the joy of the company of some incredible friends, I felt like I was sitting right next to God, just hanging out with him, like it was something I should be doing every day. He had a lot to tell me, now that I was listening. I had been gone for so long, I felt like I was walking back into those mountains to meet up with an old friend, and he showed me the world. The days I spent in those mountains were pure worship. Being in God's glory. If you want to meet God, get away. Find adventure. Do something you have never done before. Buy a plane ticket to Salt Lake City and meet up with 18 strangers! If something adventurous and risky is put in front of you, go after it. You will never regret it. Get into the wild. Push the limits of your heart. Meet up with that old friend whose calls you have been ignoring, and see what He shows you.
The day we left the back country was the day before we had to get on our planes and go home. We drove into Salt Lake City to stay at a KOA for the night. It was this campsite with nice green grass, some little cabins and plots for tents. In the middle of Salt Lake City. Next to factories and an airport. We were out of the glorious nature we had been immersed in for seven days, but I didn't feel any different. It was then that I realized that it was the people I was with. I felt closer to them than I do most of my friends at home. The outdoors had just provided a framework for our friendship. We had been through a lot together, and I had shared my heart to the guys in my tent for that whole trip and pushed through every physical and spiritual obstacle with them. We had deep spiritual studies and conversations every night, and I realized that even if we were in the middle of the city, without exterior influences of nature to inspire us, it was the same. I had all those experiences with those people, we loved each other and shared our hearts. This was true, sincere fellowship.

“Happiness only real when shared.” -Into the Wild

I think the plane trip the next day was the most depressing four hours of my life. There was a fairly violent storm when the plane went through Florida, and something in me hoped it would crash. When I got home, I was mildly happy to see my family (nothing against them, they are great and all), but I was mostly sad. I lay in bed imagining the horrors of living in Florida for another five years or whatever I was sure it would be, and begged for more adventure. It felt like one of those nights where you come home from somewhere where there was sincere, heartfelt worship, and you didn't want it to end, but it did. And you are left in the wake of it. I was in the wake of my worship. Then I noticed something. I began to find adventure everywhere in my life. I began to think of God differently, like I wasn't studying the Bible, but reading a long-awaited letter sent to me by my best friend. I began to live like the opinions of others were so irrelevant that they could never override my joy and my love. I had made a discovery, out there in the mountains, and it began to pour into every area of my life. Now, rather than seeing God's character in a mountain, I see it in a simple act of love. Rather than in a mighty raging river, I see it flowing powerfully through the pages of the Bible. Without an adventure in your life, without some significant risk or journey (and they hardly happen when you want them to, or when you think they will), you will be left in the wake of doubt. I had experienced God face to face, and it felt like I had met him for the first time. If I would not have taken a risk and done something uncomfortable, I would have not faced change, and I would not have overcome doubt or found such a closeness with God.


Have you even been hit in the face? I mean a full-forced punch right in the bridge of the nose. You can hear it in the back of your skull. And every time something reminds you of it, you hear it again, just as vividly. There is no pain, just shock, and lots of blood. If you are like me, you get this twisted little smile as blood is pooling in your hands and a crowd of people stands staring in something like concern or entertainment. The smile comes from the adrenaline and most of all- the freshness of the experience.
The first time you truly get hit like that, you have never felt anything like it. It's not the physical feeling of it that is good, but the insanity of it. If you have ever seen Fight Club (there goes my Christian reader base) there is this scene where the two main characters are fighting each other in the parking lot of a bar and Tyler says “I don't know why, I've never been in a fight before, now hit me”. They have a brutal fight in that parking lot and are both laughing the whole way through. This seems incredibly twisted, I know, but think about it (by the way, this has nothing to do with fighting)- this was a new experience for both of them. And it was painful, people look down on it- but they didn't care. Now apply this rush of adrenaline to a cause that is much, much greater. To an army living not for adrenaline rush, but for the Almighty God. An army that is rising up, preparing for a fight like they have never seen. A journey they have never experienced in their lifetime. A love that they have never felt before. A life of true adventure. So even the deep cuts and bruises you receive along the way make you laugh, because even in the struggle that provided those wounds, you are exhilarated to no end, because you know that the purpose was much higher than the cost, but also because there is something in us- mankind- that is always longing for a fight, a struggle. God simply gives us a purpose to do it and tells us to find joy in it.
So stand up- never back down from a good fight when one is presented. When the enemy sends something your way, laugh in his face and overcome the temptation to fall to his side. Because there is one thing you know, something sewn so deep into your heart it can never be ripped away- no matter how hard the enemy claws at it. This precious knowledge and purpose is that God is on your side until the end. He will fight the enemy tooth and nail for you, and win every single time (remembered the brutal death he died because of his love for you?). So when presented with a challenge, follow God's example and fight it with all you've got (which, since you are only human, may not seem like much, but when you ask for the strength, and you care about trampling Satan's attempts to win you over, God will pull through for you every single time). Be avid and vicious in your faith, so even when times are tough, and the enemy is up against you in the most terrifying ways possible- you can laugh and say “do your worst”, because your soul is already his, so what else can be taken from you? Never be afraid. God always pulls through.
That time you got hit in the face- you will remember it. You will hear it reverberating in your skull every time something reminds you of it. But it heals. You can think about the fact that you are now tougher for even having experienced it. So it is so n your faith. You will remember those hits you take, they don't just go away, you can't pretend like nothing happened. But sometimes the entire purpose of those hits are to make you tougher so you never go down that road again, and so you can remember how your Father came through and saved you whenever you doubt he will save you from the situation you are currently trapped in.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:3-4) Let's pick this apart, shall we? Alright, so James starts out by saying that you should consider it pure joy when you are facing trials. Joy isn't necessarily acting fake and happy when you are being treated horribly. It means that no matter what, you can always know that you will come out alive. Joy doesn't materialize in a smile, it materializes in a warmth of the soul that follows you all your life, and is especially comforting during the tough times. Now, the next part says that the testing of faith develops perseverance. This is what I mentioned before about how you must always look back at your hardships to avoid them in the future. Furthermore, it gives wisdom. And with that wisdom comes the ability to persevere through the next challenge, which builds perseverance even more. This is why James goes on to say in the next verse: “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”. So when you are in the face of challenge, you can overcome it over and over again, your strength building more and more with every blow you take, until you are mature in Christ and can follow in his footsteps closer every day.
This is one of the many things I love about God: he has infinite knowledge (and, more importantly, wisdom), and through all the little things he carefully inserts into our paths, it is revealed to us. Most of us know that every day is a learning experience, and take that lightly because it is cliché, and acquiring any kind of wisdom beyond our own suggests we don't already have it. However, I think it should be exciting that God would want to instill his infinite wisdom in us as part of this incredible unraveling story. When you turn that page, you learn something new every time. This is why you shouldn't be afraid of experiencing new things. When you do, you will probably see some hardship, and you will receive wisdom if you go about it the right way. Even more so, then, you should take joy during your hardships when they come unexpectedly, as they often will (God has a funny way of throwing plot twists all over his story- which is part of what makes it so good). So when you are given a challenge, don't just hang your head when you fail and pity yourself. Be strong and have heart- plant your feet in the ground and fight. And if you get torn to shreds, just stand up, shake it off and know you are already healed. That you are stronger. This is the Joy of The Lord. He is always with you, so never back down, because he is letting these things happen to you and watching you, wanting for you to learn the lesson he is putting right in front of you, right behind you the whole way. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)