
The Kingdom, The Fire

The kingdom is coming. Soon. God is going to come down to the earth and reign like never before. The world will not be able to deny it any longer. Every heart will be left with nothing but awe, and we will be on our knees with our faces covered in fear of the Holy Spirit. The Almighty God will fall like a flame that will never be extinguished, and the fire will test each and every one of us. On that day, we will see what we are really made of. If the life you lived was truly a life that was led in love and reverence for God and others, the fire will pass. However, if you were a fake, wearing the weak name of “Christianity” around you to appear presentable to a host of skin and bone, you will be obliterated by the fire.

God is building now his people. He is gathering the Sons of Thunder to be his army, he is preparing us for battle. He is preparing us to defend The Kingdom of the Most High. He is gathering those who will call Him their own, who will live a life of purity and faith, who will keep their knees on the ground and their eyes to the sky. Stay humble, brothers and sisters, stay faithful, keep love in your heart. Heal the sick, help the broken, invite them to join the army God is building up. There are those of you who may doubt what God is doing because you have seen people at your churches live double lives, wearing their “religion” as a badge for their gain. Everything they have ever done is in vain. They will burn when the fires test their souls. They will be destroyed. Sincerity will fortify you, falsity will destroy you.

So prepare your heart for what is coming. If you put your ear to the ground you can feel something coming, I can feel it shaking in my bones. I know now that it is time to throw away every single thing that distracts me from the Almighty God. Even now, he is in my hands, writing this. God is coming, so take into account what your life is worth. Cast aside material connections, and do not fool yourself into thinking you have none. When you are captivated by the awe of God’s glory when He comes, you want to know that you had been following Him all along. I cannot tell you, brothers, everything that will happen. I can however say that you are in for an epic battle. The Sons of Thunder will rise from the ashes of everything conventional religion and man’s wishes have poured out onto Christ’s bride, and God will use us to destroy the enemy.

Do not ever question that this is a war. The enemy we face is powerful. Just look around you, look even at yourself! Satan has his filthy hands on everything in this world. Shake him off, and lash out at him. He has wreaked destruction on the world, it is time to take it back. Bit by bit, this world is not his, it belongs to the Holy and Almighty God. You know what sin is. Every thought that enters your head that leads to sin comes directly from the enemy. You have authority through Jesus Christ to resist the enemy on every front. You will fail, but you must try! Thanks be to God that Jesus has already won every battle we fight with the enemy.

Sons of Thunder, rise. We are the army of the Kingdom of the most Holy and Almighty God. Act accordingly. Live your life in complete humility and servitude to everyone, even your enemies (love will overcome evil). Keep your knees on the ground and your eyes to the sky. Stay strong, and find your strength in God. Live sincerely, regardless of whatever anyone tells you, keep your eyes ahead. Keep your heart pure, have no motive but love in all that you do. When the day comes, and your faith is tested by fire, you should know that without compromise, you lived your life for Almighty God. Then, you will stand the test and not be cast aside with the rest of them. We have waited all this time. Nothing matters but this. Prepare for war. Prepare for the kingdom.

And the gates of Hell won’t stand against it.

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